Ever since the first confirmed case of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was reported in Lagos State, Nigeria on the 27th of February 2020, there has been serious concern expressed on the level of preparedness of relevant agencies, health care institutions and the nation’s healthcare workforce to contain the COVID-19 Pandemic. Other issues of major concern include the low morale, inadequate welfare and safety of healthcare providers, who across all cadre and specialties fall into the category of frontline care givers and at very high risk of contracting the dreaded covid-19.
The Nigerian Dental Association (NDA), the professional body of all Dentists in Nigeria, commiserates with families who have lost loved ones in this battle against COVID-19. We feel particularly pained and traumatized when lives are lost, especially colleagues who are cut in their prime during active service to humanity. Globally, it is the same scenario, with staggering number of different categories of healthcare providers risking their lives and those of their loved ones while trying to save the lives of others.
Mindful of the attendant risk in continued dental service delivery, posed mainly by covid-19 infected asymptomatic dental patients, the Nigerian Dental Association (NDA), raised the alarm about the high risk of exposure to COVID-19, since Dentists are exposed to saliva as well as aerosols, droplets and splatter which are generated during dental procedures. A protocol was subsequently released by the association for dental clinics, to curtail the transmission of coronavirus among dental practitioners, dental healthcare professionals, dental patients and consequently the general public.
Part of the recommendations was for dental clinics to drastically scale down activities and attend to dental emergencies only, using Personal Protective Equipment and observing standard universal precautions at all times. It was also strongly recommended that dental clinics, especially private; unable to secure the basic Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or COVID-19 test kits, should shut down completely, until adequate arrangements are made for such essential materials.
Appraisal of the situation one month after the recommendation revealed that over 80% of private dental clinics have shut down, due to inability to procure the requisite safety kits. With near total collapse of dental care nationwide, dental patients unable to access the few operational private and public dental facilities are now grappling with varying degrees of discomfort, while dental clinics are faced with precarious economic situation, which may lead to permanent closure or downsizing of dental workforce resulting in job losses for dentists, dental technologists, dental therapists, dental nurses, dental surgery assistants, dental technicians, dental administrative and other support staff, if this Pandemic is not contained soon.
The global community is in turmoil and Nigeria is not left out of this desperate bid to contain the ravaging virus, especially with the recent trend of frightening statistics from the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). However, this fight becomes lopsided and portends grave danger to our people, if an integrated approach is not adopted. This approach will ensure that emphasis is not only placed on coronavirus and respiratory/infectious disease experts, but also on other specialties and areas of healthcare needs/ailments ravaging our populace.
For instance, with reports of active transmission of covid-19 by individuals with no symptoms, it becomes very likely that an asymptomatic patient can present to a dental clinic with dental emergency such as: severe toothache, trauma to oro-facial structures, bleeding, abscesses/facial space infections, temporo-mandibular Joint dislocation, head and neck malignancies, failed or broken dental restorations, orthodontic emergencies etc. Unsuspecting dental practitioners, attending to such individuals with no signs, symptoms or relevant history of covid-19 infection are dangerously exposed to hazards and become effective means of further spread of the virus.
The Nigerian Dental Association (NDA), commends the efforts of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19, the Director and entire workforce of Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), the Federal and State Ministries of Health, the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and other affiliate associations, the Governments of the thirty-Six (36) states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), all private and corporate donors of funds and materials, all medical and dental practitioners in Nigeria and all media practitioners who are working hard to keep Nigerians informed on this pandemic and NCDC guidelines on curtailing further spread of COVID-19 and its exasperating effects.
Furthermore, the Nigerian Dental Association calls on the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19, State Governments; especially Lagos State where over 50% of the nation’s dental facilities (both private and public) are located, to urgently come to the aid of dental healthcare professionals by:
– Providing the Basic Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to all dental facilities (both public and private), to enable practitioners sustain the delivery of emergency dental services to our people and prevent the spread of Coronavirus through such procedures.
– Supply to all private and public dental clinics other relevant items like infrared thermometers, alcohol-based hand sanitizers, liquid hand wash, gloves, face mask, face shield and essential dental equipment and consumables like dental hand-pieces with anti-retraction valves, micro-motors, high-volume saliva ejectors, rubber dam etc. Protective items for private dental clinics can be channeled through the Nigerian Dental Association (NDA) and Association of Private Dental Practitioners of Nigeria (APDPN), while government at all levels can supply directly to public dental facilities through the ministry of health.
– To improve hazard allowance and suspend tax deductions, to enhance welfare packages and approve life insurance policy for all categories of healthcare providers, who in their line of duties come in contact with both asymptomatic and confirmed cases of covid-19 infected patients. Implement a structure for more incentives for our colleagues deployed to provide care at the isolation centers.
– The Nigerian Dental Association appeals to both federal and state governments to extend the stimulus packages, grants and palliatives to private dental practitioners whose dental clinics / businesses have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The urgent need for government intervention has become inevitable, as the nation cannot afford further depletion of the already inadequate dental care facilities available for our teeming population.
To all healthcare providers and particularly; our worthy ambassadors rendering humanitarian services at the various isolation centers, we are very proud of you. By God’s grace, we shall win the battle as we hope for normalcy in the not too distant post-COVID-19 future.
Nigerian Dental Association